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What to do when you’re passed over for a promotion at work,Snubbed for that promotion? This is what you should do to move forward with your career.鬧情緒?肯定是不可取的,也是不明智的。
So you didn’t get the promotion, and now your job feels like it’s plateaued. You aren’t being challenged or learning any new skills, and your boss wants to keep you right where you are—at the bottom of the totem pole. How can you climb the corporate ladder, if someone keeps holding you down?事實上,尤其是大(dà)公司,你的領導,Leader如果不晉升,在一(yī)個蘿蔔一(yī)個坑的機構内,如何晉升你呢?顯然,保持現有的狀态是穩定的,也是首選。
It happens all the time—just look to your favorite actors and actresses during awards season, or even to the person sitting in the cubicle next to you. As a 2017 Monster poll of more than 3,000 U.S. respondents found, 61% of workers said they had been snubbed for a promotion or award at work.升職或者獎勵的冷落?是你的技術不好?人緣不好?還是不會處理與你頂頭上司的關系?如果你的boss不喜歡你,那麽你就被冷藏了。
So, what should you do? Stick it out and try again next year, or pack up and take your talents elsewhere? Follow these three steps to help you move on after you didn't get to move up.那麽你是堅持下(xià)去(qù)?等待明年的機會?還是打包走人?尋找賢君明主?看看下(xià)面的建議吧。
Be gracious,"You have to be great and professional when this happens," says Deborah Brown-Volkman, a Long Island, New York–based career coach. Even if a much-loathed co-worker receives a promotion you'd coveted, extend congratulations. Also, offer sincere assurances that you're going to be the same team player you've always been.要優雅!出色而專業的工(gōng)作是必須的。往後繼續要成爲最默契的隊友!
Doing your best to support all of your colleagues will only help your professional reputation. A stalwart attitude will deflect any passing pity people may be tempted to feel for you.你的聲譽來自于團隊成員(yuán)的認可和支持。你忠誠的态度也讓大(dà)家轉移對你同情。
Get answers,"When you're trying to find out what happened, first look inward," Brown-Volkman counsels her clients. "Many times people know why they didn't get a promotion."尋找答案,尋找原因。自我(wǒ)剖析,通常人們都可以自己找到沒有晉升的原因。
After your emotions have settled, set up a meeting with the powers that be to discover why you didn't get the promotion."People don't like to tell other people the cold hard truth, so you have to give them permission to tell the truth," Brown-Volkman says. She suggests assuring your supervisor and colleagues that there won't be any consequences for being honest. "Tell them, 'this is just for me,’" she says.沒有人給你說,世界是殘酷的。
Bring questions to your meeting, so you can learn how to overcome any professional shortcomings or lack of specific skills, and try to get your employer to recommend and help subsidize some professional-development courses that might improve your skills on the job. 尋找學習提升的所有機會,努力!
Request specific situations that made your superiors doubt your ability to handle the new position. And finally, ask for suggestions as to how you can better improve your performance.提高自己的表現。珍惜每一(yī)次在公司大(dà)衆面前曝光的機會。希望那是你的加分(fēn)項,而不是減分(fēn)的敗筆!
And then, Brown-Volkman says to “start making changes.改變,什麽時候都不晚!
Make your move,After you learn why you didn't get a promotion, you may come to understand that you're not perceived as management material, and even the best in-office PR campaign would be futile. To climb to the next notch, you may need to start a job search so you can move on to a new employer.行動起來!
"If you've given it your best shot, and it's going nowhere, it may be that you're just not a fit for that organization," Brown-Volkman says. "Find a place where you do fit."嘗試過,還是失敗,或者沒有進展。那就試着換一(yī)個平台吧。
Employees who have worked for only one company often face a similar predicament. Diversifying your employment experience is a plus, and Brown-Volkman says other companies will value your talents.跳槽不一(yī)定是壞事。多元化的職場經曆經驗,也許有更大(dà)的價值。說不定什麽時候就會有一(yī)個更大(dà)的機會等你來。
"People get stuck in failure," she says. "But you didn't fail. It was a learning experience."沒有失敗,沒有終點,這隻是一(yī)個學習經驗罷了!
Take the first step,Trying to get ahead in your career, but could use some help moving up the ladder? A great first step is to follow 自有人說 today. As a member, you’ll get practical career advice and job alerts for top companies emailed right to your inbox.邁出第一(yī)步。關注自由人說,一(yī)點一(yī)點地提升自己,一(yī)起走向更加自信的明天!